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The law office was established in 2010, as a continuation of the longstanding tradition in the law profession within the family Paić. The office provides services of representation for domestic and foreign legal and natural persons, particularly in property procedures, as well as legal support for the management in making business decisions which are most acceptable for their business.


Attorney at Law
Vjeran Paić
OIB (Personal Identification Number): 72547890465;
Petra Grubišića 5
22 000 Šibenik

Tel: +385 22 219 885
Fax: +385 22 219 885
Mobile: +385 91 202 11 44

Bank accounts

Kuna giro account
at Splitska Banka d.d. Split:

IBAN: HR51 2330 0031 1004 3914 7;

Foreign currency giro account
at Splitska Banka d.d. Split:

IBAN: HR51 2330 0031 1004 3914 7;

Office Hours

  • Monday – Friday 9.00 a.m.– 2.00 p.m
  • Monday and Thursday 6.00 p.m.– 8.00 p.m